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JB at HOB in Dallas
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If you're a  Bradenton-Sarasota based solo artist in search of musicians for an upcoming studio project or an established band looking for a new drummer, look no further. With over forty years of experience behind a drum kit, I can offer a solid, steady backbeat to almost any style of music.


I've logged almost 500 hours in the studio and performed well over 1700 live shows. With this significant experience, I've developed a drumming style and philosophy dedicated to augmenting and enhancing the music rather than stepping on it.


My formula is simple...consistency, timing and control. Please explore and (hopefully) enjoy this website. You'll find samplings of my drumming, and other little bits of info that can help you decide if I might be the right fit for your project.


Of course, a website can't possibly convey the energy or chemistry needed between musicians that will really make the music special. To contact me for a meeting, tel-con or audition, please e-mail

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Copyright 2024 JB Brown-Drummer

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